
      abscess: even with a drain, mom can continue to bf... there are many
etiologies for abcess... and the literature also speaks of abcess in the
non-lactating breast.
yes, she could have been taking the "wrong" antibiotic for the pathogen and
while she was "feeling" better the bacteria were growing merrily away... the
origional infection may have come from any number of places and while it is
important to note the history of mastitis with the previous child, and
certianly red flad and watch mom carefully these may be totally un related.
.. good luck with this... most physicians, ( and most of the exceptions are
on line with us) are not supportive of woman bf with abcess'.

       rash: from your description... you are most likely correct... may be
something from mom's clothes, soaps, could even be heat rash... if everyone
is doing well why make an issue...
