Yes, elderberry (Sambucol) is available in New York City, I bought some
at a vitamin shoppe, the syrup is quite tasty. At the office we all
became obsessed with buying this after reading about it in one of the
alternative health care magazines, and lo and behold it was advertised
during the big 35% off sale at this particular chain store.
I've also taken to dropping echinacea STRAIGHT from the dropper onto my
tongue whenever someone at the office so much as sneezes my way. After
being sick for four months with whooping cough, I don't need any new
bugs, thank you! This method of ingesting the extract was shown to those
of us who attended an HERBS ETC lecture given by the president of that
company who believes his asthma was cured when he started using
herbology. This is the way some people use the extract, instead of
diluting it in water. One of his distributors was at the meeting and
that's how she used it. I feel that it is absorbed better too.FWIW
Pearl Shifer