After reading Maureen's comments about how we might look at the
whole issue of dealing with the formula companies I want to air the question
that has been rolling around in my head ever since I spoke to a formula
company rep.  His question, which I think has legitimacy in the for-profit
business world, was "How can we compete with other formula companies and let
people know that our product is better for babies than theirs?"  I think it
is a question that we need to consider in our efforts to promote
breastfeeding.  They are, after all, out to make a buck.  So what is the
long term answer?  That they stop selling formula altogether? That only one
company make formula? Which one?  That all formula be given by prescription
only so that only the physician is advertised to and makes the decision? Of
course we want all women to breastfeed but there will always be women who
chose to formula feed.  So what is the ultimate goal?
I'd like your thoughts.