I am going to skip the goats milk discussion, since that seems to have
already been adequately "milked" (sorry, couldn't resist), and ask about the
other problem I picked up in this thread- the baby's behavior. A mom who is
really stressed out and says her baby can go five or more hours without signs
of hunger or distress is of concern. Have you spent time with the baby? Can
you pick up any signs of stress or hunger? Perhaps the mom's stress level is
hindering her from picking up her baby's cues. Or, if the baby is truely not
sending any hunger or distress cues, the baby is picking up mom stress and is
withdrawing also. Is the baby developing any social skills like visual
tracking, smiling, facial responsiveness, etc? If not, suggest that  mom  and
baby take a parenting class or mommy and me class and keep an eye on them for
possible future attachment problems. Many autistic and delayed children have
histories of being "good" and "never crying."

Debbie Rabin, OTR, CLC