Dr. Newman, I work in a Birth Care Center and have had 12 years of LDR

I agree with you, Hispanic women do well with breastfeeding. There is plenty
of family support (mothers, sisters) as well as proud fathers. What I would
like to find out is does this system also exist in the parent country?
Recently had a 14 year old that breast feed she did good. The family (mother
and sister) were her role models. We encouraged her to take the baby to the
highschool nursery and get hall passes to go feed and share time with her
baby, rather than going off campus to do this during school hours. I know the
school she attends has parenting classes as well. It is now reading, writing
and arithmatic for baby and mom. Would like to also see a SO in the picture
but this isn't happening.

Marjorie, BSN, grad. student MCH, BCC nurse