
The National Capital Lactation and Community Human Milk Bank at Georgetown
University ( ph#  202-748-6455) has self-learning modules for breastfeeding.
 There are 5 booklets, simple and basic with a self-test at the end of each
booklet. The 5 if I can remember them properly are: Alternative feeding
methods,  Pumping and Storing, BF the premature baby,  Initiating
Breastfeeding,  Difficulties BF Mothers May Have.
Some of the material is already dated ( Copyright 1993) but I think you can
work around that.
You can obtain them through Childbirth Graphics but it is cheaper to get them
directly from Georgetown.
Also the March of Dimes has a self- learning module that's so-so.

Good Luck!

Maria Parlapiano RN, IBCLC
The Lactation Resource Center, Chatham, NJ

Good Luck