Did anyone else see the Hallmark special on CBS on Sunday night entitled "Old
Man"? It was about a convict who was sent out during a major flood in 1927
 in the deep south to rescue a woman in a tree. She turns out to be pregnant,
he catches the baby, and the story goes on from there. Anyway, I of course
kept looking to see her put the baby to breast- and she never did! It was
obvious that the baby must have been breastfeeding, because the baby thrived
even though there was no evidence of bottles or a cow or goat or anything, so
why didn't we ever see her even pretend to put the baby to her breast? Why
does the media think its OK to show breasts when there is a rape or sex scene
but not to show discretely  when breastfeeding? What could be more wholesome
to go along with Hallmark?

Debbie Rabin, OTR, CLC
Los Angeles, CA