I've been very very behind on reading posts so this may be way late in
response but all this talk about ILCA's ballot is disturbing.  As a member of
a local breastfeeding coalition (who up until this year was interested in
becoming an affiliate) I have to say we're going to sit this out for awhile.
 What in the heck is going on?

 I have been on a school board for the last several years and have some
understanding of the politics involved with large groups and members.  The
people who (generally) run for the position of representative are deeply
committed and willing to work for the organization on there own time, WITHOUT
PAY, because they love it!  Being on a board for usually 3-5 year committment
when you have growing families means that you are willing to spend time
working with this group, even when your family would like to have you home.
 These people are doing the best they can, I AM SURE.  It is hard though to
read everyones mind and I can't imagne how lactnet could be a quicker rumor
mill then mothers/fathers trading rumors on a playground but it sure seems to

A board writes policy and a policy is by it's nature broad and open to
interpretation.  The policies are guidelines that are voted on by the
membership of the elected board not the whole district.  The representatives
are responsible to those who elected them to communicate the boards plans,
objectives and intentions.  The representatives are individuals that have
been trusted to serve the interest of their constituents.  As far as bylaws
go..what a time waster!!!!!! You can literally spend years haggling over
minute wording details and never get to the real work THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE.
 A smart board sets up an adhoc committee to hash it all out and trys to
spend a minimum of time on this stuff.  I cringe when someone brings the
bylaws out!

The changes in the bylaws seemed resonable to me as I first read them.  I can
see some of the reasons older members, with more involvement in the history,
could have seen red flags but I agree with Maureen, be reasonable with each

As far as the increase in dues goes.....to run an organization....it takes
money (period)  To bring an organization into the computer age....it takes
money.  I'm willing to pay, the JHL alone is worth this amount. (if my Dec.
copy ever comes!)

So...hang in there board members...it's a very tough job.  Realize you didn't
anticipate this, try again, and keep remembering why you chose to do this
VERY IMPORTANT work. @-----------// ( a rose to you all)

Linda Rosetti RN, IBCLC
Clarkston, Wa.
IdaWa Breastfeeding Promotion Coalition