About this discussion over breastfeeding being the norm:

Have you read the article in J Hum Lact 12 (1) 1996, called 'Watch Your
Language!', by Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC ?

In talking about 'breastfeeding', we often list the 'advantages'. This gives the
impression that these are 'better than normal'. In fact, they *should* be the

It has occurred to me that even the very word 'breastfeeding' is a way of
*artificially* bottlefeeding !!!!

Probably, people didn't use the word breastfeeding until 'bottlefeeding' became
*normal*... Wasn't it nursing, or suckling...

I 'breastfed' my first baby, for a while.. that kind of breastfeeding didn't
work for me. I read the WAB while waiting for my second, and I discovered
nursing...I had to let go of the world and civilisation and tap into a different
part of my brain. THAT worked...!

IMO, the incidence of 'breastfeeding' is closely bound up with the culture of a
country. Imagine you are at a concert and people around you stand up. Do you
stay seated ? Or do you suddenly feel embarrassed at the possibility of being
the'odd one out' ? I bet most of us would stand. It takes courage to be
different. It takes courage to find oneself and be oneself. In a group, we can
feel supported.

Civilisation for many people means denying our individuality, personal needs and
sometimes even our feelings. It means fitting in with other people's
expectations. It shouldn't. IMO, it should mean learning communication skills
and working towards a society in which everyone can feel they belong. Even
children and babies...sensitive to their feelings and accepting of their
capabilities..Is this Eutopia..?

Imagine someone taking aside a newly married man and asking him how was he
planning to satisfy his wife's needs... Artificially ? There are donors who can
Thank goodness some things do not yet have substitutes.....

Helena Boutal
'Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's
longing for itself.' Kahlil Gibran