Dear Caren,
 I want to ask questions about your questions.
1)  Assuming a mother wants to keep baby in arms is there any newborn
evaluation that can not be done while she holds baby or in the bed where
mother lies?
2)  If baby is bathed what is the chance of its body temperature dropping and
being moved to the nursery in a baby (if you will) unfriendly hospital to
warm up?
(I know many hospitals will place warmers over mom and baby, but not around
I am sorry that you have so many sad cases of neglected newborns in your
hospital.  The issue originally raised was regarding my parents who are well
educated, prepared new parents and believe their babies belong in their arms
in the hours after the birth.  They want them to be observed and cared for
but with them.  The BF relationships are being hurt because of excessive
suctioning, bottle introduction, and lack of support in general.
I am sure my momma's would be delighted with your care wish there were more
like you!!  Best of luck with your hospital and its current issues.
Stephanie Ehlert, AAHCC