Thanks for the wonderful inclusion of the geese analogy. Nature never fails
to show the way, and there is truly nothing new under the sun.

Also, thanks to whomever listed the medical link   Thought
I'd read there for a while and -get away- from BF...but to no avail. There
was a listing from a mom dx with melanoma, lots of tissues removed and
treatments. She is being told to wean her 4 month old...Many years ago I had
melanoma too. (written in Learning a Loving way of Life).

Someone with a medical background would be more appropriate than I too
address her concerns. I did not wean. But the mole was taken care of by a
simple removal...the CA had not spread. Just thought I'd let you caring
people know.

Paula Bermingham, IBCLC
WIC BF Coordinator Lake Co, Calif