Hello again Lactnetters:
Oh wow what a nerve I have toutched.
  Some of you did not catch that I am a childbirth educator. I do spent a LOT
of time saying "This is your baby now and when it is born, no one has the
right to take it away from you."  My issue is not keeping with baby with mom
over night or even 6 hours after the birth, but RIGHT after.  My experience
has been that immediately after the birth moms are holding babies about 10
minutes before the nurse seems to loose her mind about taking it away.  They
are really nuts about suctioning and I did not see anything back on new baby
feeding and mucous, if I could get something concrete on the fact that babies
can nurse without a bulb syringe up their nose it would be nice to give to my
pregnant couples.
Also I teach Bradley and most of my moms are not medicated, they want the
beautiful senerio, baby is born and left on momma forever.  They are all
facinated by the self attachment video and see what can happen without
Who ever made the comment about Freud toutched me...I think you are right
about the anger the nurses to convey. I can not believe that some
professionals can doubt that any one is more concerned about babies health
than the parents.  They assume the parents are not educated.  If they are not
who should we point the finger at?  They are trusting thier medical providers
to inform them, True Informed Consent. What my moms and dads learn is that it
is their job, but even when educated they have to convince the staff that
they have a clue about what is going on.
Thank you for your suggestions many were very helpful!!!!
Good luck always on improving care for moms and babies.
Stephanie, Jax FL
Bradley Method Teacher and almost a CD (DONA)