FROM: Sturgess, Frances Coulter
TO:[log in to unmask]
SUBJECT: sushi
DATE: 01-31-97   12:36 EST

hi--missed some of the threads on this issue, gather there are (warranted)
)concerns about sanitation/parasites etc.  Fish can be a healthy part of the
diet, it can also be a problem if caught in estuaries etc where there is
pollution.  Raw fish is more of a problem because of lack of cooking, which
would kill bacteria/parasites etc.  However a marinade does not qualify, in my
mind as a sanitary measure.  Some bacteria etc *love* vinegars/wines etc
(these are fermentation products of organisms) so i would still count these as
*raw* fish.  (processed vs unprocessed may be a different terminology, but in
the sanitation bsns, marinated does not equal cooked/fully cooked etc)

For instance, if you marinate chicken and want to use the marinade as a sauce,
it had better be cooked (heat processed) also, and the marinating vessel/plate
not used for serving or transfer without thorough washing.

Doubt this is an issue in brfdg except that if mom gets sick its harder to
feed baby.  So I would not deny someone sushi, if they know the source of the
fish and are willing to take an informed risk.