> << We all know that this is not the case, why doesn't the ADA?
In addition to Patricia's list of reasons...

Have you ever notices that the use of GUILT to motivate is an integral
part of dentistry?  I find this ironic, given the many times that we BF
advocates are unjustly, IMHO,  accused of making people feel guilty...

 My dentist has big display posters with pictures of
completely decayed mouths juxteposed with lists of foods and little
sugar cubes glued on next to them, to show how much sugar is in each
food.  Sometimes I get the impression that, by and large, the dental
 profession wants us to believe that we would not even NEED them if it
weren't for our own careless habits and behavior...  Present company
excepted, of
course (Dr. Palmer and all other wonderful dental caregivers on Lactnet
please don't take offense!)

As a LLL Leader I know that this issue is one that many, many
concientious mothers agonize over.  And yet what condition would their
children's mouths be in if they had bottlefed instead???  (Well, you
don't have to answer that!)  And as for the comment about breastmilk
being compared to maple syrup, this begs the question, "What would YOU
suggest I feed my child *that is superior to human milk,* and how is it
superior?  IE: does it provide immunological protection?
 Off the soapbox.
Sue Jacoby, IBCLC and LLLL
In Clovis, California