Devorah and all,

I have an article called, "Fenugreek - Overlooked But Not Forgotten" by Rima
Jensen, M.D., a family practice physician.  The article describes her own
personal use of fenugreek as well as recommendations for dosages and history
of the herb.

She also describes another article written by Dr. Paul Fleiss in 'Mother to
Mother'  (April-May 1990) in which he references an Egyptian study done in
1945 which reported an increase in breastmilk production by as much as 900%!!

She ends by saying, "Folklore and anecdotal evidence suggests that fenugreek
is a safe and easy to use galactogogue.  It is a food product, used for
centuries.  I have recommended it to my patients to increase milk production
and have no reservations about its safety in lactation..."

I've recommended it many times with impressive results.  No one has
complained of any unpleasant side effects and all have seen an increase in


Janaki Costello, BA, IBCLC, CCE, CD
El Cerrito, CA.