Hi. Thought I'd introduce myself as I have been lurking for quite awhile.
 My name is Maryann and I am currently practicing as a lactation consultant
at a major Chicago
hospital.  My clients are postpartum/nursery couplets. I work with 3 other
LCs.  I am a masters prepared nurse with a certification in lactation
education. Most importantly I have 2 beautiful breastfed daughters.
My question is this:  What are the effects of ketones in the breastmilk and
their effects on the breastfed normal healthy term infant?  We have been
getting a few of these questions on the unit as well as the hotline.  Only a
line or two is mentioned in Neifert.
We believe this might have something to do with a diet called "Ketogenic"
 used for weight loss and for those moms with resistant thrush.  Any ideas?
 TIA   Maryann