I agree with those who say that discussion of ILCA can be done in Lactnet - as
long as flames are not part of the process (thanks, Kathleen).

In my family, we keep no secrets.  It may seem overly simplistic to say this,
but having seen how secrets destroyed people - after all, they usually come out,
and when they do, hurt feelings abound.  ILCA is also a "family" of
professionals who are learning how to grow.

 Growth can be painful, and the direction of growth is not always clear-cut (my
graduating children are both applying for graduate schools - and jobs - at the
same time).  The more we talk about it _talk_ not _flame_, the more options we
will learn about and the clearer our own picture will be of what we'd like ILCA
to become.  Those who have their own clear pictures need to share them with us,
but be aware that some will be convinced and others not - that's OK.  We even
allow people to have the right to _bottlefeed_  surely we can allow others a
differing view on ILCA!

I've been visiting many home pages lately and think there are other
organizations that may better fit the role of "World Breastfeeding Advocate",
however, there is no professional organization so far that is as International
as ILCA, so I hope we can continue to discuss changes, improvements, etc. and
help it grow.  I'm not yet completely convinced that ILCA should only be for
IBCLC's - we are so few here in Puerto Rico - but I'm willing to read and learn
- as long as Lactnet allows the discussion to continue - and change.

Jeanette Panchula, BA-SW, LLLL, RN, IBCLC
Puerto Rico - sunny - a great time at the beach yesterday
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