In a message dated 97-01-26 13:36:22 EST, you write:

<<Has anyone else had the experience of prattling to an empty grocery cart
 after the child has started school?  >>      Oooohhh yes!!
Grama said it means you have money in the bank-I even talk to appliances and
the instruments at work!!   No money, though!!
 I also answer every call of  Mommy, mom, Ma, etc I hear in stores, and when
they're not even out shopping with me!!  However, I do have a cat now so I
talk to him when home alone while the gang is at school!! I still rock back
and fort-the sway!! My 16 yo was doing that with a bag of cat food in the
checkout line yesyerday-she said " it's like a baby!!" Something in your arms
is enough to get the rhythm going, I guess!!                still LOL,
Georgeanne Mattise, Scranton,PA