Dear Netters,
    I will be presenting two topics at Kay Hoover's Workshop for Private
Practice LCs.  I am thrilled and scared, and request your help.
     The first topic is for brand new LCs and LC Wannabees on How to Know
When You're Ready to 'Hang out Your Shingle'.  I'd love your in-put in the
following areas:
     -What makes an LC "ready" for private practice?
     -What helped you get started?
     -Any forms that you use in practice and are willing to share---they will
be copied with the word "SAMPLE" on them, and credit given to you.  It helps
new LCs to see sample assess forms, consent forms, etc.
     _Anything else you think is important!

     The second topic is "Mentoring".  I really need your help here.  If you
currently are mentoring or are being mentored, I'd love to hear from you.
     -How are you paid?  How did you determine this?
     -Where did you find each other?
     -Do you use an assessment tool to assess quality of practice?
     -What do you do about inconsistent scheduling of clients?
     -How did you determine when the newer LC was ready to fly solo?
    - Anything else you think is important to others developing mentor

Please e-mail me privately as I am hopelessly behind on reading Lact-net and
may not catch up until my kids are in college (the youngest is in
   Debi Page Ferrarello, RN, IBCLC
   Abington, PA, where we've had four seasons this week.