I heard the same thing about the pharmaceutical company that made Syntocinon
being bought by a Baby Food Company.  I also heard that a pharmacist in a
hospital in Florida would give out information on how to make it up in a
saline ? nasal spray.  I had a pharmacist at a hospital give me an estimate
of the cost and she said $40.00 Canadian.   Does anybody have that address of
the pharmacist in  Florida?  (I no longer work at the hospital and don't have
access to that address).

Also, way back  on January 16, Chris Hafner-Eaton suggested Vitamin B6 for
depression.  Help me out here, I thought that anything over 10 mg/ day could
decrease milk supply?  Several factors could be influencing a decreased milk
supply for a client I had who was prescribed 100 mg a day for "her nerves".
 Her baby is 3 months old and she stated that there were frequent night
feedings, 11pm, 1 am, 3 am and 5 am and then sleeping 4 to 5 hours between
feeds in the day.  She also has a 22 month old baby.  Her husband is a
policeman working shifts and she complains that there is no routine in her
life.  She works one afternoon a week and baby is supplemented with formula
for that afternoon as "it is asking too much for me to pump for that".  Mom
has experienced her third period since baby was born.  "  The last three days
have been extremely stressful in our house".   Baby is over 14 lbs and 3
months old.  I suggested that she stop taking the Vit B6; to bring the baby
to bed with her at night, to increase her sleeping time;  that baby may be
nursing that frequently because of a growth spurt; try a galactogogue, such
as fenugreek tea;  call the PHD in her area for links to mom and baby groups;
or try LLL in her area.  One last note:  The secretary that answered the
phone wrote down for this mom "  mom is complaining about breastfeeding too
much on one side"  - something mom didn't mention to me at all!

One more case study, for my friend who is a LC, but doesn't have a computer.
 What are your thoughts about a mom who stopped breastfeeding her baby when
baby was 6 months old, and now 2 and a half month later, she still has lots
of milk leaking from her breasts so that she has to change her nursing pads 2
times a day, and in the morning her bed is wet.  She's had 3 bouts of
mastitis in the last 2 and a half months, about to start her third course of
antibiotics.  Apparently she took Chlomid and Pergonal for fertility
problems, and then conceived after blocked ducts were diagnosed.  She is a
lab tech and did her own prolactin level and it is 70.   We suggested that
she drink the sage tea (thanks to postings on Lactnet) and use cabbage leaves
and Dr. Newman, who was asked by my friend, suggested CAT Scan and/or MRI to
rule out prolactin-secreting adenoma.

Thanks for your help and interest in these things.   Kathy Bodden.