In a message dated 97-01-23 20:48:11 EST, you write:

>It is interesting to note that the Board of Directors does not feel that
>LACTNET is an "appropriate venue for discussion of association issues," but
>it nevertheless uses this venue to communicate to those members who are
>LACTNET discussants/lurkers.

Hello Kathy, how are you? Sure miss you here in Chicago area.  I am very glad
that all this discussion has occured because I attend many BF meetings all
over (6 in Chicago, Springfield-state task force, and now Indiana meetings.)
Everyone is always asking what is happening and I am in the postition to
update and try to explain the current issues.  Because of lactnet, I have
been able to keep LC's up to date.  Thanks everyone.

Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection, Medela Inc.
Naperville, IL  where the snow is melting