In a message dated 97-01-22 23:53:13 EST,  Pat Gima writes:

<< I know this is not the solution, but sometimes I wish mothers wouldn't ask
 their peds, GPs, OBs, etc. about all of these things that they know nothing
 about but still are eager to advise on.

Oh, you mean like the mother I saw today who was bemoaning the fact that she
asked her OB about coloring her hair while she was pg, and the OB said,
"Absolutely not.  The chemicals could get into your system and harm the
baby."  I asked her if the OB had any references on that -- and told her if
she wanted to color her hair while she was bf, it was fine with me, but
please don't ASK anyone.

I colored my hair while I was pregnant with Jill.  Do you think THAT's the
reason she got a D in pharmacology in nursing school???  (OK guys, no blonde
jokes now....)

Jan Barger