I agree, the issue is not how much bilirubin there is in the mother's
milk, but whether it will affect the baby.  I actually posted
something to this effect earlier.  (But remember, the baby *can*
reabsorb bilirubin, conjugated or otherwise, from the gut.  This is of
no significance, if the baby is nursing well.)

But, we need to be interested in research. Get your biochemist
interested in breastmilk and breastfeeding research and s/he will come
to you asking why you are not sending more specimens for analysis.
And then you publish. And then, when the mother gets told this and
that, you can say to the neonatologist or pediatrician, or nurse, or
endocrinologist..., "but we published this stuff long time ago.  You
must be very busy to be so far behind in your reading".

Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC