FROM: Sturgess, Frances Coulter
TO:[log in to unmask]
SUBJECT: "selling" brfdg
DATE: 01-21-97   20:52 EST

"that breastfeeding comes naturally is a myth"
"it wasn't easy, like they say it is.  It was hard, but I stuck with it"
"breastfeeding , though a natural process, doesn't come naturally.  It has to
be learned"(LLLI)
"the first three weeks are the hardest. Many women stop then" (referring to
sore breasts etc)
THese are things I am seeing and hearing pretty frequently in articles in the
papers, in promotional literature for breastfeeding.  We do need to give women
an *informed* choice, but these statements make it seem difficultand
discouraging, unless you are already *dedicated*.  Any ideas on ways to make
it friendlier but not mislead women?  It does seem that we can't say "it
doesn't hurt" (at all...that is) and a discussion of health benefits etc is
always nice, but when measured against comfort/discomfort/sacrifice (!) it
doesn't always stack up.

Maybe Im feeling less than mature today...nobody says parenting is easy, why
should feeding be easy?  (Such a nice attitude.)  Dealing with the reluctant
andunconvinced is energy consuming, especially when compared withthose who
want to do it and cant.  But we still need to include the unconvinced...