To Rosa- ( your english is just fine- I wish I spoke spanish as well)

First of all, I can certainly sympathize with you. I work with a lot of heart
babies, and they ROUTINELY return the hospital for poor weight gain. Even a
small defect makes the heart pump harder,  use more calories, and the baby
tire more easily, with leads to poor suck, etc. You can try using a
supplementar (SNS) with EBM and HMF or corn oil, because the baby will need
extra calories until the heart is repaired. I hope the lung involvement is
only bronchitis and not a symptom of something much worse (pulmonary
atresia?)  This baby needs to go back to the cardiologist. As dedicated and
as hard as we work, we are not always listened to. This baby needs the
breastmilk for the antibodies as much or more than any other baby, as well as
mommy-bodies ( a new term?) for relief of stress, tlc, all the wonderful
things breast feeding does.
Feel free to e-mail me direct if you want more suggestions.

Debbie Rabin, OTR, CLC