Hello Lactnetters:
I'm sure this subject has been covered extensively on this service, so I'll
try to be brief in my request of information.
I would like to know where I can access the current research or information
which discusses the link between breastfeeding and the reduction of coronary
vascular disease.  I saw the piece come over Lactnet a few days ago in regard
to the mom's who bf and the increase in their HDL's (which is good).
 Somewhere, I had read or heard that there was a study recently published
which corroborated the theory where not only bf mom's benefit but their
infants also benefitted in a reduced incidence of CVD.  Can anyone point me
in the right direction?  I would appreciate any help I can get as I was
recently turned down in a grant proposal  because the scorers did not believe
there was any link between bf and a reduction in CVD risks.
Thanks so much.  Mary Ann  in Grand Rapids (where is alot warmer today 10
degrees, sunny and not snowing)