FROM: Sturgess, Frances Coulter
TO:[log in to unmask]
SUBJECT: family planning
DATE: 01-16-97   19:36 EST

we (public health) are sponsoring a perinatal issues forum at the end of
February.  The topic  is family planning,"what does sex have to do with
it?"--catchy, huh?

I am concerned that breastfeeding will get the go-by, as so many players have
an agenda to address (this is about counseling, culture, etc etc not just
"this is a pill. it does this.  this is a condom...etcetc"

Anyone got a good recommendation for 1 or at most 2 review articles dealing
with l. effectiveneess and degrees of brfdg as contraceptive; and 2
contraceptives compatible with brfdg--thks