Further to my suggestion:

I would like all of you who would like to have an IBCLC to help you in your
area, be it for work in a clinic, to visit mothers at home, to offer (or
help you offer ) an inservice program, to teach expectant parents (outsiders
are always more respected than locals, in my experience) or whatever you can
dream up to send me a note with your requests.  Please include amount of
time you would like someone to help out (this can be endless, if there is
enough interest and you have enough work).  All countries and locations
welcome.  Please include any information you have at present about possible
accommodations.  This does not have to be at your home (although that may be
the easiest).  As long as it is very reasonably priced and clean etc.  That
part can be worked out later.  Once I have a sizeable list of places to go,
I will call for interested LC's.
