Jane Bradshaw wrote: "that doctors and insurance companies would jump on ways
to improve health, for families and our whole society, reduce financial
stress on families, reduce the long term stress of preventable diseases,
 Bravo, Jane- a mom at our last LLL meeting brought this same thought up-if
we can get the insurance cos. hooked on the $$$ aspect of it!!! Money talks,
and unfortunately very loudly in healthcare nowadays0that is why the medical
community here does what it does, because it costs money and the insurance
program(s) involved said so ....  Sad, where do the patients/ people fit in?
I guess I'm old or something, to think this way!!
BTW, Nofia, yes, I think your son should get a doll, too. No better way for
him to practice fathering which is a part of parenting(and don't be surprised
if he nurses the baby doll-mine did!)
     Georgeanne Mattise, LLLL, MT and mostly MOM!!!