I am so sorry that any woman had to experience a baby dying, esp during
nursing.  I believe that if I knew my baby was going to die, no matter what,
holding it at my breast would be a way to share the last moments.
  I had an experience that I haven't seen addressed.  I had a nephew die with
SIDS when 11 days old, fully breastfed.  They lived with us so since it was
before I had children it was close to loosing one of my own.  Anyway it made
me very protective and anxious with my own.  I believe it led to my being  a
Family Bed person.
When my 2nd child was a few days old I was up nursing her in a chair about 2
am.  Both of the above were unusual since I usually fed in bed.  Can't rem.
why I was up.  During the feed I "happened" to look down at her and notice
her color changing from lt blue to pale white.  No struggling as she was not
pressed into the breast.  I removed my breast and stimulated her and she
gasped and resumed breathing, color returned to normal.  I of course
panicked. Called my husband who was working night shift as Nursing supervisor
at local hosp, he came home, baby seems ok.  Saw Ped next day, baby normal.
 He offered apnea monitor but knowing from exp at work the false alarms I
declined.  What I believed happened was that she had suckeled (sp) the nipple
in too far and it blocked the air passage.  My breast are large and soft at
the time.  Never happened again with her or those who followed.  She was my
only induction (due to gest. diabetes), only thick mec fluid , only one to be
inutubated for suction and then bagged to restart breathing, and only one to
become jaundiced, (not reported to Dr.).

I share this with new moms-no way.  Would I share this with anyone trying to
start policies on night feeds in hosp. - no way.  It could happen to others,
but most moms are alert to their babies cues.  A medicated mom does need to
be assisted and observed, that  could be addressed in policies.