I see no reason why any rabbi would object to LAM; I am frankly quite
puzzled by Nofia's outrage on this subject. In fact, the talmud (code of
Jewish laws) recognizes that a woman following childbirth is to be
considered a nursing mother for a period of two years. There is nothing
in LAM that is controversial, it is simply "nature's" way.  This is not
the rhythm method which is not really useful for Orthodox couples, since
it is the opposite of what we practice.
What's the problem here???
BTW, although Orthodox men cannot practice birth control, women are not
bound by the same strictures, but are encouraged to consult with a rabbi
when it is necessary to use some form of birth control.  Young women here
in New York City are taught at premarital classes that there are cases
when a woman needs to use birth control, and that they should find out if and when it becomes necessary. I found Nofia's description of Orthodox
families to be quite ugly and inaccurate. We can always point fingers if
we want to; shall I tell you about a day at the WIC program???
Pearl Shifer, IBCLC