Dear Lactnetters,

Have any of you heard of Colloidal Silver as a remedy against everything from
skin infections, arthritis, viral and fungal infections, etc. etc. etc.??

An acupuncturist recently told me she uses it especially to treat many common
skin infections as well as for colds and flus.  She recommended it for
cracked nipples in a breastfeeding mother.

It comes in a suspension with a spray attachment on the bottle.  The
literature she gave me claims, "Silver is a powerful, natural prophylactic
and antibiotic, used for thousands of years, with no side effects.  It is a
catalyst, disabling the particular enzyme that all one celled bacteria,
fungus and virus, use for their oxygen metabolism - they suffocate.  Yet it
is of no harm to human enzymes or any part of the human body chemistry.  And
it kills all disease causing organisms, ....etc. etc...etc..."

Sounds too good to be true!  Anyone have experience with this?

Janaki Costello, IBCLC, CCE. C.D.
El Cerrito, CA.