Hi All,
Need some info info real quick on Promethizine w/Codein.
Mom has asthma, got really sick with an attack 2 days ago.  Went to Dr today
for check-up.  He prescribed Promethizine w/Codein 1tsp q/6 hrs (each tsp
contains 5mls)  Dr told her it was for her coughing at night (tho mom reports
minimal coughing and sleeps well)
Baby is 2.5 mo old and exclusively BF (a real challenge 'cause she has fought
the Asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia since babys birth, and a very
unsupportive family {except for hubby} en re: to BF)
Hale says Not reviewed, and I am concerned about this med.  Also says that
this drug is commonly used for nausea and motion sickness, so am wondering
why it is given for coughing.
Mom is very commited to BF and will not take anything that is not compatible
with BF.  Is there any new info on this drug that says it is safe for BF
moms, or is there another med that would help with her coughing (again it is
minimal, and mom is not really interested in taking anything, but Dr insists
on prescribing.)
She will NOT be taking this med tonight (against Drs orders) but will be
taking Robitussin (for cough).
All help will be appreciated.

Who is very sick today with a head cold, fever and laryngitis.  Does that
really suck, or what?  Just before baby is due, and I get sicker than I have
been in the last 3 years!  Time to go back to bed....