>>Any suggestions for keeping up the supply as her baby grows so she is able
to provide EBM for her Dad??<<

Both for this situation and the 3-4 mos sudden supply decline situation, my
non-medication thought would be to try fenugreek first.  I've been
recommending it regularly to my moms who don't have anything else apparent
going on, and most of them report a boost in supply. At the very least, they
feel like they are doing something, and whether it is the herb or a placebo
effect, it helps a good part of the time. I feel more comfortable starting
with this herb, which appears to be more innocuous, than with jumping to meds
except in a few rare circumstances. My latest protocol: 1-3 capsules three
times a day, depending on severity of situation.

-Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC