FROM: Sturgess, Frances Coulter
TO:[log in to unmask]
SUBJECT: Wall of Fame--more!
DATE: 01-09-97   13:52 EST

I think a Wall of Fame would be agreat idea--any chance that ILCA or a pump
company or somebody (Texas WIC???? you powerhouse of PR??) could actually
print something up for distribution?  I'd love one too.  Of course you run
into the problem that some Stars want paid for endorsements...but you never
get anythink by not asking...

And what if there was space to add the name of your organization or even to
add photos (place picture here) of more local celebs (or noncelebs, just
pictures of your clients--Breastfed with the Stars....)

Any ideas on who could do the asking/organize this/has connections?

On a related subject, what about suggesting Anita Baker as UNICEF
spokesperson, since she did that wonderful video?

I ahve my doubts about Madonna, at least for awhile.  My take on it is that
she revels in publicity but wants to keep her daughter out of it...not a bad
idea, actually