I was interested in Jeanne's comments on arm flailing and her
reference to Chloe Fisher.  I spent a day with Chloe last month and
learnt a new type of swaddling for arm-flailers.  She laid the baby
on the blanket/cloth and turned the sides in over the baby's arms,
tucking the sides of the blanket under the body.  Result - arms
immobilised but the baby is still able to have frontal skin contact with
mother and no bulky wrappings between mother and baby to interfere
with positioning.

I have also seen a mother use a nappy pin to restrict movement on
the upper arm.  She pinned the end of the jumpsuit sleeve to the
body of the jump suit, moved the pin when she changed sides.  It
worked very well, baby didn't seem to mind, and it enabled me to
help her with P&A more.

I stress, these techniques are to be used for some babies when
necessary to help with positioning and attachment.  They should not
become the new dogma for all babies. Yes, learn baby-watching.

I am back on lactnet briefly but going no-mail again in a day or two.
I am off on a real holiday for a month and not taking any work!

Ros Escott
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