Dear April and fellow lactnetters,

I read with interest your problem with "huge nipples". I met my first "huge nipples" more than
nine years ago and wondered desperately how to help the crying and distressed mother.  She
surprised me with her sheer determination.  At that time, I was no Lactation Consultant, I was
only a breastfeeding counsellor and friend to her.  So I just suggested expressing her breast milkk
until her baby's gape grew big enough to grasp her breasts.  We did not even try using any breast
pump, as you might guess it, none of the flanges would fit and so we just hand expressed and she
managed to put her baby to breast four weeks later.  She had the same problem with the second
child and expressed until he was able to feed from her breasts six weeks later. I've since seen
more of such nipples, which I nickname "fishball" nipples- they were big and rounded. We ought
to award such mothers for all their determination and commitment to breastfeeding.  Hope you
can continue supporting the mother you are helping, she may one day tell you she's able to
breastfeed because of your encouragement.  Best wishes for the season.

Doris Fok from wet and sunny Singapore!