Yesterday a mom called me to tell me that all was well with her and her 4 month
old, but that they had both had cold/sinus type symptoms and her MD had put her
on penicillin.  She went on to say that she knew the penicillin was okay with
breastfeeding, but she had been instructed to feed the baby an ounce of formula
after each nursing because of the small amount of medication in her breastmilk.
Traces of that in the baby's mouth could cause a thrush infection in the baby
according to her doctor.

I know, and you know that this is not necessary.  But how can I respond to her
and still be nonjudgemental about the information her health care provider has
given her?  She has complete trust in her MD and is very happy with the care
given by him.  How could I have been diplomatic in an answer?

Ann Calandro,RNC,IBCLC
North Carolina