In the fall of 1994, a local hospital ran an ad for maternity services which showed all the different health care plans it took (at least 20)
printed on baby bottles.  I wrote a long letter, and suprise,  got a
letter back explaining the ad, as well as the hospital's BF services (not much).  I have not seen baby bottles again in their ads.

I wrote another hospital which showed a baby being bottlefed in its
general newsletter.  No reply, but next issue showed a mom BF, and no bottles.   A letter to a large insurer regarding their ad showing a couple
happily bottlefeeding their child did not result in a reply, but I have
not seen them run another ad with a bottle.

So, it pays to write.  At least it makes people think even if you're not sucessful in changing people's mine.  Hospitals and insurance companies *should* know better.  I still have to write one of our local news
stations which *always* shows a baby bottle in conjunction with any story on babies.

Melissa Kirsch