blind copy to KKG

From:   Linda
Sent:   Friday, December 13, 1996 4:32 PM
To:     'Amy Spangler e-mail'
Cc:     'Jean Nelson e-mail'
Subject:        Membership renewals, bylaws, budget

Hi Amy,

I know I swore I wasn't doing ILCA work today. So much for good intentions. I'll try to pretend this is fun.

1. Jean posted me earlier today regarding possibly delaying the membership renewal notices because of percieved conflicts with voting status mentioned in the by-laws. I told her that I see no reason to delay the renewal notices. If you disagree, I'm open to discussion on this. 

2. I received my bylaws ballot today and was surprised to find a line-item vote on the changes. I don't recall ever discussing a line-item vote - all previous ILCA bylaw ballots have been all-or-nothing, and I guess I had assumed this would be the case again. I'm concerned for two reasons: 
        (1) what if one or more sections does NOT pass? Will we need to bring this up for discussion in March, and send another ballot at more cost and delay? Which bylaws would be in effect in the meantime? 
        (2) procedurally, this concept should have been discussed with the executive committee, the by-laws committee (of which I am still a member), or even the full board. Since I serve on both relevant committees and didn't know about this, I'm curious as to who made this decision, when, and why.  
        I don't necessarily object to the line-item vote, Amy. Perhaps ILCA has been doing it wrong by all-or-nothing bylaw votes in the past. Process is the issue here, and this is one more area that will get sorted out better over time. It's too late to do anything about this now - let's hope all sections pass. Put this down as another policy that needs to be written. 

3. I don't recall seeing a budget proposal for Marsha's trip to Atlanta to work on the Scope document last weekend. This is an example of why budgeting for ILCA's activities continues to be a challenge and a moving target. Again, I don't object to the fact of the meeting, which appears