Hi All

After reading and enjoying for a week, I'm getting around to introducing

I am a LLLLeader and in 2 years have brought our group from 5 regulars/1 monthly
meeting to two meetings a month with an average of 10 at each meeting. Besides
my LLL involvement I belong to our local breastfeeding task force, which has
been a great networking group.  I have a
BS in Education and schooling in Trigger Point Myotherapy. I'm also taking a
childbirth education course, and do a little labor support.  My family consists
of my husband Bob who is a technician in the entertainment industry (he's away
from home 9 - 10 months, not all at once) and our son Connor who is a very
active and talkative 3 1/2 yo! (breastfed for 2 years, is that why he talks so

My question tonight...Has anybody worked with a mom with a cleft palate baby, my
understanding is the cleft is in the soft palate and not very bad.  She is still
pumping but no longer trying to put baby to the breast.  She has very large
breasts and last time I saw her her nipples were rather flat, but would come
out. any help, suggestions very welcome, she's not yet ready to give up...but...


Mary Madison, trying to keep warm in cold Wisconsin!