I work as the breastfeeding coordinator for WIC in Savannah, GA.  I teach a
short snippet of breastfeeding as part of the secondary nutrition education
that is required of all of our participants.  In this mini class, I talk
mostly about the benefits of breastfeeding and also include the hazards of
artificial feeding.  For women that are interested in breastfeeding or
sitting on the fence--I offer a monthly Breastfeeding Basics Workshop.  I use
the workshop to teach about empowerment.  We talk about what might happen in
the hospital.  How to make sure their wishes are followed and how they are in
control of their health care.  I also explain that ABM companies are not the
long arms of their doctors, that they are simply companies that are looking
to make a profit.  I explain that hospitals hand out ABM and certain brand
diapers simultaneously---that it does not mean that that product is endorsed
by the medical community at large.  I tell them the basics about
breastfeeding--not very much technical info. but they do have the
breastfeeding hotline number to call for help.  I let them know that the ONLY
function that I perform is to help them breastfeed.  I do not teach ANYTHING
about how to artificially feed a baby.  If they need this information, the
nutritionist gives it to them one on one.   I always kid them that bottle
feeding is much too technical for me.  I am constantly amazed at how these
mothers feel that they are at the mercy of their doctors, especially the moms
that are on Medicaid.
     Tonight a mom called me to let me know that a nurse at the hospital had
told her that they needed to check her baby's swallow with a "sip or two" of
water from a bottle.  The mom told the nurse--my baby is breastfeeding--check
her swallow there!!  I am soo proud of these women and sometimes... I even
love my job, too :)
                                          Pam Holland, IBCLC