> A few weeks ago, a patient of my husband's delivered a 27 weeker.  The
> mother called me a few days ago for suggestions on how to keep her milk>
supply up while she is pumping.  I assumed that the baby was being fed> the
milk she was pumping, but assumed wrong.  The neonatologist said> that,
since she was taking amitriptyline up to the day she delivered,> she has to
throw away her milk until 30 days after her last dose.  He> claims that
since the baby is a premie, this drug is so dangerous that> even a trace of
it would render the breastmilk more hazardous than> formula, even though the
baby was exposed to the drug all during> gestation.
> I expressed my concerns to the mother, but she seems convinced that this>
guy knows what he is doing.  It sounds to me like he doesn't have a clue>
what he is doing and is endangering this baby's life.
> I do not have any references to amitriptyline during lactation that
> specifically address premature babies.  Does anyone have any such info?
> Thanks!
> Darillyn Starr