>> They aren't really, down deep in their souls, lactation consultants....
although some evolve into truly LCs....and for those, I am grateful.    But I
have a feeling that if we aren't careful, lactation consulting (and bf) is
going to go the way of natural childbirth...."Oh yes, I exclusively brfd my
baby for 3 months! <<

Once again, I must throw in my vote for a mandatory credential for LCs that
maintains exclusivity on the title "en total"--- a license. *We* understand
the difference between IBCLC, CLC, CLE, etc., but quite honestly, the rest of
the population does not, including most HCPs. And when it comes to function,
there is no law nor rule that restricts LC practice to those properly trained
and certified.  I can't call myself a nurse regardless of how much I know
(and no, I don't think I'm a nurse! <g>), and no one should be able to take
our title at will, either.  It has definitely become a hospital fad to send
someone out for quick CLE training and then set them up as the "hospital
LC"...............  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC