In a message dated 96-11-28 22:11:46 EST, you write:

>Subject: Re: newsletter story involving "pump and dump"
>I recently received a  copy of a pump company's newsletter that had a
>"success story" about a WIC mom who did wonderfully well with that
>company's rental pump; after surgery, she pumped until the "chemicals"
>were out of her body. (How did she know...) The article states that the
>mom had MRI dye-I thought MRI's didn't need to use dyes,

HELLO Netters,

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving-those celebrating.  Yes, there are
dyes that can be used with MRIs.  You can have the MRI done with or with out.
 They do contrasting.  I had plenty of experience exactly one year ago with
my brain tumor.  Glad that sucker is over.  In fact, I have the one year MRI
follow up in a few weeks (to see if I still have any brain left.  I sometimes
wonder)  I am so lucky, I even get to have an MRI of the cervical spine to
see how my cervical arthritis is progressing.  They will do one with dye and
then they inject, via IV, the dye and do a contrast.  What fun.  Have a good
day all.

Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
Naperville, Il- where it was 48 yesterday and snowing today