I am an IBCLC and RN certified in Inpatient Obstetrics.  I have worked in all
areas of maternal-child nursing for 20 years.  I have 3 children - ages 21y,
14y, and 4y - all of whom were BF for 8m, 2y, and 2-1/3y respectively.  I
homeschool my 14y and 4y.

I am employed part-time in a small community hospital as a L&D nurse and as a
LC.  We are just beginning our lactation services, so I am anxious to learn
how other hospitals provide both inpatient and outpatient lactation services.
 I teach a prenatal BF class, have started a BF support group, and am called
to see inpatients who are having BF difficulties.  I look forward to learning
and sharing on Lactnet.

Merylin Davis
Taylorsville, NC