Dear Friends,

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.  HOpe you and yours all have a happy and
healthy holiday, and that you will all have plenty to eat and good fellowship
with your families.  We have much to be thankful for this year, and of course
part of our thanks is for friends.  Our friends and our family are so very
special to us, and we will be thinking of all of you on this holiday.  Thank
good ness for holidays like this, when we can get to the heart of the reason for
the holiday and just appreciate each other and being together.

It has gotten quite cold here and we are snuggling in, making dressing and
cranberry apple casserole, and dessert for our part of the family celebration.
We will be at my sister Margaret's house tomorrow for the celebration.   It will
be crowded but a lot of fun.

Love to all of you, Ann and Jim