Hi All,
Just wanted to take a minute out of a busy day (like who's days aren't
busy??) and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving (even those of youwho don't
celebrate, have a Great Day!).

I also wanted to say a bit on what I am thankful for:

I am thankful for being able to tap into the wonderful amount of knowledge
that abounds here within  the people on this list.  Without your help,
encouragement, and inspiration there are so many things I would not have been
able to do, and many moms I would not have been able to help.

I am thankful that my youngest son caused me so many BF problems because if
he hadn't, I never would have found my niche in life, helping other BF moms!
 (Can you believe being thankful for going throu 4 months of Hell???)

I am thankful that this group of people is like an extended family.  There
are many times that we have been there for each other, and I know for me,
personally, you all have provided support at times when my own family was not
there for me (like when I lost my last baby).  This means SOOO much, and
those of us who have felt this support are most grateful!

I am thankful that this group is so NICE!  Most other lists and newsgroups
have flaming happening all the time.  Yes, we get into spirited
discussions,but (except for that one time!) there are no flame wars here.  It
is friendly, professional, and safe.

And, last but not least, I am thankful that I have a great family.  An 11 yr
old, with out whose help I could not do my job much less read Lactnet, a 27
mo old who keeps me hopping (and laughing!) and a fabulous husband who is
supportive in every way possible and is a true KISA (Knight In Shining
Armor).  Without him I would be lost in this world, and finally, a 32 week
baby not yet born, who is a nice mellow baby and doesn't kick me black and
blue, and doesn't wake me up at night!  :)

Everyone, Have a great Holiday!

Love and Hugs!

Jay Simpson, CLE
Sacramento, CA
Member of Lactnet for more than a year, and will be here as long as the list