I know everyone hates this kind of stuff and please don't get me wrong (I
have no desire to be bar-b qued). The information about lesbians and
co-nursing gave me much needed insight. However, one or two posts seemed very
inappropiate.  NOT (repeat NOT) because of the topic as much as the PERSONAL
identification of the parties involved. Our society is more open to these
matters then in the past, but I do believe that the full name identification
of anyone (company, mom, baby, a gay/lesbian couple, doctor etc... ) is
inappropiate and could be dangerous. The privacy issues alone are
staggering!!!  Anyone can access Lactnet via the Internet. What if some
homophobic maniac decides that this couple deserves their personal (negative)
Take this as a small reminder about how public this forum is, general
internet safety and the legal implications of protection of privacy.
Marie Davis RN IBCLC