Hi All,
Something I have found to work with many women who get recurrent masititis
(after ruling out the basic reaons first, of course) is that when they first
start ot feel it coming on, they go to bed and take Ibuprofin every 4-6
hours.  It seems that the anti-inflamitory action of the Ibuprofin helps to
minimize or stop (in some cases, dead in its tracks!) the mastitis.  I don't
know why, and don't know if there has been any research on this, but the
women I have talked to said it sure helped them!
I had one client a few months ago who had recurring mastitis every 2 months
like clockwork.  It would put her in bed for 3-4 days, and if she got
antibiotics for it, she would end up with thrush.  I had mentioned to her
that one mom I knew had used the Ibuprofin with great results, so she tried
it.  Last I heard, she would still get the mastitis, but would only need to
go to bed for a day, because the Ibup. really seemed to knock it out.
Who knows why some things work?  But it seems to work for some!
